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How to fry cabbage easily and deliciously.

How to fry cabbage easily and deliciously.

Frying cabbage may seem like a complicated process, but it is actually quite simple and quick. This vegetable is very versatile, and when fried properly, it can become a delicious and nutritious dish. Below, we explain how to prepare fried cabbage easily and deliciously, following some basic steps that will ensure an optimal result.

Necessary Ingredients

Before you begin, make sure you have the following ingredients on hand:

  • 1 medium cabbage
  • 2 tablespoons of cooking oil (it can be olive or sunflower oil)
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Optional: chopped garlic and sliced onion

Preparing the Cabbage

1. Clean and Cut the Cabbage

The first thing you need to do is clean the cabbage. Rinse each leaf well under running water. Then, remove any damaged or wilted leaves. Once clean, cut the cabbage into thin strips. This will make it easier to cook and incorporate flavors.

2. Preheat the Oil

In a large skillet, add the two tablespoons of oil and put it over medium heat. It is important that the oil is hot before adding the cabbage; this will allow it to fry properly and not turn into a mushy paste.

Frying the Cabbage

3. Add the Cabbage to the Skillet

Once the oil is hot, evenly introduce the cabbage strips into the skillet. If you decide to use garlic and onion, this is the time to add them so they can cook along with the cabbage. Stir with a spatula to ensure everything is well coated with the oil.

4. Cook Until Golden

Let the cabbage cook for about 5 to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. The goal is for the strips to become golden and achieve a crunchy texture. As it fries, you can also add salt and pepper to taste, which will enhance the flavor of the dish.

Additional Tips

5. Experiment with Other Ingredients

Frying cabbage gives you the opportunity to experiment. You can add other vegetables like carrots or peppers to enrich the flavor and presentation of the dish. You can also try different spices, such as paprika or turmeric, to give it a special touch.

6. Serve

Once the cabbage is ready, remove it from the heat and serve it hot. This dish is perfect as a side or as part of a main meal. Pair it with rice, meat, or tofu for a balanced lunch or dinner.


Frying cabbage is an easy and quick method to prepare a tasty and nutritious dish. With the right ingredients and a little technique, you can enjoy delicious fried cabbage in no time. This recipe is ideal for those looking to vary their daily meals easily.

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