Easy cooking recipes We have 2564 recipes for you and 219 articles 🍲💖

Recipes Categories

The category of lasagna recipes is ideal for those who love pasta and comforting food. Lasagnas are a popular dish in Italian cuisine, consisting of layers of pasta alternated with a delicious bolognese or béchamel sauce, cheese and other ingredients of your choice. In this category you will find a wide variety of recipes, from the classic lasagnas with meat, to vegetarian options with spinach, zucchini and mushrooms. You can also experiment with different types of pasta, such as whole wheat or spinach, and vary the ingredients of the sauces and cheeses to give your dish a unique touch. Lasagnas are perfect for sharing with friends and family at a special dinner or to enjoy during a cozy night at home. Surprise your loved ones with a delicious lasagna made at home with our recipes.

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