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Home > Desserts > Recipe of María cookie cake (mambo/thermomix)

Recipe of María cookie cake (mambo/thermomix)

Recipe of María cookie cake (mambo/thermomix)

For special guests a divine dessert, I came to explain to you how to prepare a divine María Cookie Cake (Mambo/Thermomix).

You can add liquid chocolate and peanut chips, to decorate peaches and nuts.

12 Servings
10 min Cooking


  • For the biscuit cake base:
  • 25 María cookies
  • 50 g unsalted margarine
  • For the cold cookie cake mix:
  • 20 María cookies
  • 30 g caramel
  • 500 g cream
  • 500 g milk
  • 2 envelopes of curd
  • 100 g sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • To decorate:
  • Several María cookies to place on the cake
  • Cinnamon powder.

Join me and let's see how to make María cookie cake (mambo/thermomix)


    Step 1
  • Crush the María cookies in the Thermomix, the glass must be clean and dry, place the cookies and program 20 seconds at speed 6.
  • Step 2
  • Add the unsalted margarine/unsalted butter and program 10 seconds at speed 3. Finish mixing with the spatula and pour over the mold, pressing with your fingers so that it is compact on the bottom.
  • Step 3
  • Reserve in the fridge to harden while we prepare the cake mix.
  • Step 4
  • Crush the cookies: with the glass clean and dry, program 20 seconds at speed 6.
  • Step 5
  • Add the caramel, cream, milk, curd envelopes, a pinch of salt and sugar, mix everything at speed 4 for 10 seconds.
  • Step 6
  • Program 9 minutes at 100ºC and speed 4. Let it warm up for a few minutes and empty the mixture onto the mold that we have in the fridge, put it back in the fridge for at least 4 hours.
  • Step 7
  • Decorate with whole María cookies on the surface of the cake and sprinkle a little cinnamon (without exaggerating) to give some color and additional flavor.
  • Step 8
  • We can also crush some cookies and add some liquid caramel and cinnamon, use this slightly sticky mixture to cover and give a touch of color and flavor to our delicious cold cake (without oven) of cookies that we have prepared in the Thermomix.

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