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Recipe of Cream punch

Recipe of Cream punch

Today I will explain how to prepare Punch Cream, it is a soft drink typical of Venezuela at Christmas parties to accompany dinner.

It contains very little liquor since it is a sweet drink, delicious to enjoy with the family

2 Servings
30 min Preparation
10 min Cooking


  • 2 boxes of vanilla flan (of 10 servings each box)
  • 6 cups and a half liquid milk
  • 1 can of condensed milk (one can for every two boxes of custard)
  • Dark rum to taste (approx. 200 ml) (one cup)

Join me and let's see how to make Cream punch


    Step 1
  • Prepare the custard with the number of cups of milk indicated (6 and a half cups), let it boil, turn off and let it cool, refrigerate until it sets
  • Step 2
  • Place portions of custard in the blender, along with part of condensed milk and a little rum. Blend at medium/high speed, achieving a syrupy consistency. Add more custard, condensed milk and rum until the glass is almost full.
  • Step 3
  • Transfer the smoothie to a large container or bowl. And repeat the operation of custard, condensed milk and rum in the blender, until you finish with the custard and condensed milk. And put it all together in the bowl. Mix and test Ron's point.
  • Step 4
  • Packaged in bottles with lids, they can be recycled, small or large (to taste) (previously sterilized with boiling water). Cover, refrigerate and serve with crushed ice or frappé. Salud.

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