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Recipe of Christmas canapes.

Recipe of Christmas canapes.

To complement the Christmas dinner at a family union, I'll show you how to prepare some delicious Christmas canapés.

You can add peach balls and cheese squares.

6 Servings
60 min Cooking


  • Sliced bread
  • The ingredients we like the most for fillings.

Join me and let's see how to make Christmas canapes.


    Step 1
  • Step 2
  • On top of baking paper, we place four slices of sliced bread on top of baking paper, superimposing them as seen in the photos.
  • Step 3
  • We flatten them with the help of a roller, so that they come together. Spread a thin layer of cheese and fine herbs. Cover with some slices of smoked salmon. We put film on top and carefully turn it around. We remove the paper, spread another thin layer of cheese, pour in some lumpoo roe. And we roll it up, with the help of the film, to make a roll, which we leave very tight in the fridge.
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
  • Spread the bread with mayonnaise, put boiled ham, turn it over, spread it with mayonnaise, place cheddar cheese, chopped lettuce. Grate boiled egg and roll it up.
  • Step 6
  • Step 7
  • Bread, cream cheese, crab cold cuts. Turn around, spread a mixture of tuna with mayonnaise, place crab sticks in a row, across the width, on the edge closest to us, and roll up.
  • Step 8
  • Step 9
  • Slice of bread in a mold. Spread with a mixture of tuna and mayonnaise. Put another slice of bread on top, spread again, third slice of bread, spread again, spread again, and decorate with grated boiled egg, and crispy cheese. We will cut into three parts lengthwise and each part into two. We get 6 canapés.
  • Step 10
  • Step 11
  • Slice of bread, spread with ham pâté, bread, ham pâté, bread and cream cheese, Decorate with crispy ham
  • Step 12
  • Minced and a piece of crispy cheese.
  • Step 13
  • Step 14
  • Crush an avocado, with salt, pepper and lemon juice.
  • Step 15
  • Slice of bread that we spread with the avocado cream. Bread, spread this slice with cheese and fine herbs. Put another slice on top, spread it again with cheese, and cover with slices of smoked salmon.
  • Step 16
  • Step 17
  • Mix 150 g of salmon flavored cream cheese with 25 g of smoked salmon, a little mayonnaise and dill. We have to get a cream, with a consistency, that allows us to put it in a pastry bag, and fill the tartlets.
  • Step 18
  • I prepare them in advance. I store the rolls in the film and the sandwiches are left uncovered on top and also wrapped in film, so that the bread does not dry out.
  • Step 19
  • I make crispy ham by putting some slices of ham on kitchen paper and on a plate I take it to the microwave and put it for 10 seconds each time, until it dries. Then I chop it up a little and that's it.
  • Step 20
  • *I do the crispy cheese, putting a little grated cheese (4 cheeses, but you can put the one you like), on a plate, making piles and I take it to the microwave in the same way, until it melts, let it cool and the crunchy is done.


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