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Recipe of Stuffed cabbage leaves

Recipe of Stuffed cabbage leaves

Now we present to you a very rich and fun oriental dish. We will teach you how to prepare stuffed cabbage leaves, a very authentic preparation, full of nutrients and a lot of flavor. This dish gives you a new way of preparing cabbage, this time much more complete. The filling is made from pine, with special oriental dressing, giving it a very addictive flavor. We also recommend that you prepare a delicious hummus to accompany it

12 Servings
120 min Preparation
80 min Cooking


  • 1 medium cabbage.
  • 1 kg of minced veal or lamb meat.
  • 400 g of washed rice.
  • 1 cup (50g.) of olive oil
  • The juice of 2 freshly squeezed lemons.
  • Salt and black pepper to taste.
  • 1 pinch of ground cinnamon.
  • 1 head of garlic (half crushed, half whole peeled or unpeeled)

Join me and let's see how to make Stuffed cabbage leaves


    Step 1
  • Cover the cabbage in plenty of boiling water to separate the leaves and blanch them until they are soft and supple, immerse them in cold water and drain. While in a large bowl, mix the meat, rice, half of the olive oil, cinnamon, crushed garlic, salt and black pepper.
  • Step 2
  • Place the sheets on a work surface, cut into pieces (depending on the size of the sheets), separate the thick part and set aside. Spread a tablespoon of the filling mixture into a cylindrical shape on one end of each piece of sheet, fold the bottom, fold the sides and then roll the sheet firmly and repeat the process with the remaining sheets.
  • Step 3
  • Place the thick parts of the leaves on the bottom of a saucepan, add the rest of the whole or peeled garlic and place the rolls on top. Add the rest of the olive oil, lemon juice and peppermint. Place a flat plate upside down to press and immobilize the rolls. Cover with hot water and salt. Bring them to a boil, lower the heat and simmer 80 minutes or more until the leaves are tender. Remove from the heat and let it rest for 10 minutes.
  • Step 4
  • Turn the casserole into a round tray, and serve the leaves warm, accompanied by salad, creamy yogurt sauce, cucumber salad with yogurt or lemon juice.

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