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Home > Desserts > Recipe of Homemade chocoflan

Recipe of Homemade chocoflan

Recipe of Homemade chocoflan

Today I will teach you how to prepare homemade Chocoflan, it's an easy and quick dessert to make and my family loves it, don't miss it.

You have to refrigerate what you need and then let's eat!!

6 Servings
30 min Cooking


  • 1/2 liter chocolate milk
  • 30 grams unflavored gelatin

Join me and let's see how to make Homemade chocoflan


    Step 1
  • Hydrate the gelatin in a cup of cold water, stir and microwave it for a minute or dissolve it in a cup of hot water.
  • Step 2
  • Mix the dissolved gelatin with the milk, you can put it in individual or family molds. You can also add more sugar or sweetener if you want it sweeter or more chocolate powder.
  • Step 3
  • Refrigerate for at least six hours to make it firm. Decorate to your heart's content and enjoy

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