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Recipe of Chickpea salad

Recipe of Chickpea salad

Now we want to introduce you to a unique recipe for legumes. We will teach you how to prepare chickpea salad, a healthy dish full of natural proteins. Chickpeas are very simple vegetables to prepare. They are loaded with plant-based proteins, but they also have a lot of fiber and nutrients. You can accompany this dish with a tasty chicken and asparagus pizza

4 Servings
30 min Preparation
25 min Cooking


  • 400g of chickpeas.
  • 1/2 green pepper.
  • 1/2 red pepper.
  • 1/2 scallion.
  • 4 crab sticks.
  • 2 tuna latillas.
  • olive oil.
  • Modena vinegar.
  • Sodium bicarbonate.

Join me and let's see how to make Chickpea salad


    Step 1
  • Let's cook the chickpeas. To do this, we soak them the night before, with plenty of water and a teaspoon of baking soda.
  • Step 2
  • The next day, we drain them from the water and put them in plenty of fresh water. Let it cook in the pressure cooker for about 25 minutes. If not, in a conventional pot for about an hour and a half, until they are soft. You can avoid these two steps by using pot chickpeas. Personally, I don't like to use them, but it is true that it saves us a lot of time to prepare this salad.
  • Step 3
  • Place the cooked chickpeas in a salad bowl. Add the finely chopped green pepper, red pepper and green onion. We also add the crab sticks cut into thin slices and the canned tuna.
  • Step 4
  • Dress with olive oil and Modena vinegar.
  • Step 5
  • Mix well before serving.

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