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Home > Tortillas > Recipe of Noodle omelet with tuna

Recipe of Noodle omelet with tuna

Recipe of Noodle omelet with tuna

Here we will teach you how to make a noodle tortilla, no matter the type, they all serve us! Ideally, this recipe helps us a lot so as not to lose the food we had left over from the day before. If we made noodles one day and it stayed, don't hesitate to make a delicious omelet with noodles. You can accompany it with a fresh salad, either green or tomato, or with some red sauce or even pesto, don't hesitate to try new flavors!

4 Servings
20 min Preparation
15 min Cooking


  • 600 g Noodles
  • 2 eggs
  • 200 g of shredded tuna
  • Coriander in chiffonade
  • Sal
  • Pimienta
  • Olive oil

Join me and let's see how to make Noodle omelet with tuna


    Step 1
  • In a bowl, beat the egg whites until they are stiff, then add the yolks, salt and pepper.
  • Step 2
  • In a separate bowl, mix the noodles with the shredded tuna, the coriander chopped in chiffonade and a teaspoon of olive.
  • Step 3
  • Then we add the egg mixture to the noodle mixture, this is mainly so that the volume of the eggs does not decrease and we make our tortilla very fluffy and tall.
  • Step 4
  • Heat a teflon pan with a few drops of olive oil, once the pan is heated we turn the total mixture over. We covered and checked a few minutes later. When we are sure that it is well cooked on that side and that it is not stuck to the pan, with the help of a lid or plate we turn the tortilla over very carefully. We cook a little more, this time uncovered, a few more minutes and that's it!
  • Step 5
  • We can serve with a delicious tomato salad, some dressing or whatever you want, enjoy!

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