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Recipe of Tomato stuffed with tuna

Recipe of Tomato stuffed with tuna

Committed to you, to bringing easy and quick recipes to your table is that we bring tomato stuffed with tuna, a fresh, daring and captivating starter for the senses. The best thing about this entry is that nothing is wasted, children can cook and let their creativity run wild

2 Servings
5 min Preparation


  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 can of tuna
  • mayonnaise
  • chopped cilantro or parsley
  • 1 onion diced in brunoise (diced)

Join me and let's see how to make Tomato stuffed with tuna


    Step 1
  • The Rellano tomato can be prepared with or without the skin, if you prefer it without it, remove it before starting the preparation. We will not do it because the skin has a lot of vitamins, for this we will wash the tomato very well.
  • Step 2
  • With the help of a knife, you drill a hole in the base of the tomato and then, with a spoon, remove the pulp so that there is a cavity large and deep enough to fill it with the paste.
  • Step 3
  • Make a paste, to do this, mix the tuna with mayonnaise and coriander and insert it into the tomato cavity.

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