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Recipe of Chilean sopaipillas

Recipe of Chilean sopaipillas

Sopaipillas are a typical Chilean preparation, we see how to prepare Chilean sopaipillas as an alternative to bread, special for a rich and filling eleven accompanied by a rich tea, it is also possible to consume them as an accompaniment for lunch. There are also other variants of preparation depending on the country, in Spain they are known as sopaipas, others with which Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay are known as fried cake or chipá or cuerito, enough of so much blah blah and let's cook!

15 Servings
20 min Preparation
20 min Cooking


  • 1 kilo flour with powders
  • 1/2 kilo Pumpkin
  • salt

Join me and let's see how to make Chilean sopaipillas


    Step 1
  • In a saucepan, cook the sweet potato squash with the shell so that it does not fall apart and with salt, a spoonful of salt.
  • Step 2
  • When it is soft you will check it with a knife, remove it and let it warm for a while.
  • Step 3
  • Then on a meat board or a smooth place, put the squash still warm and remove the skin with a knife. It will be very easy for you. Grind it with a fork and put it in a bowl.
  • Step 4
  • When everything is ground, add the flour, leaving a little flour aside in case the dough is very soft (1/4 more or less), a tablespoon of salt.
  • Step 5
  • Assemble the dough with your hands, if you lack flour, add it little by little, it will be ready when it no longer sticks to your hands or to the board.
  • Step 6
  • It is not kneaded, only the 3 things are joined together, so put the dough on a board or smooth place, cut it with a knife into 4 parts and stretch it with a roller, each piece separately.
  • Step 7
  • If it will be easier for you to roll out the dough than to do it all together.
  • Step 8
  • To cut and make your sopaipillas you can use a bowl, a small platter or a small plate, to give them the circular shape or play a little with cookie molds.
  • Step 9
  • And ready to fry your sopaipillas for about 4 minutes per side.
  • Step 10
  • That's all it's time to enjoy them!

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