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Recipe of Maxi burgers

Recipe of Maxi burgers

I share this delicious hamburger with you, for your quick dinner. I will teach you how to prepare a wonderful Maxi Burger.

If you want to add a seasoning you can add mustard sauce or tartar sauce.

4 Servings
45 min Cooking


  • 800 g minced meat mixed veal and pork
  • Burger rolls
  • 1 young garlic
  • 1 bunch of fresh spinach
  • 1 egg
  • To accompany
  • A tomato
  • Some lettuce leaves
  • Some big pickles
  • 1 macerated onion.

Join me and let's see how to make Maxi burgers


    Step 1
  • The ingredients can be varied. You can make chicken, turkey, veal burgers,... And the fillings that accompany the meat too: boiled carrots, pine nuts.
  • Step 2
  • In a bowl, combine the meat with a pinch of salt, the finely chopped garlic, the egg and the fresh spinach cut into fine julienne strips.
  • Step 3
  • We mix everything well with our hands so that everything is well distributed. If necessary, we can add a little breadcrumbs to give it more consistency. We must achieve a uniform and consistent dough.
  • Step 4
  • From this dough we will make 4 small balls and crush them. This is the maxi version. From this mix, 8 normal hamburgers would come out. Put it in the pan on a slow fire.
  • Step 5
  • As they get done, we turn them around. They will take longer or less depending on the thickness.
  • Step 6
  • To accompany the hamburger, my recommendation can be sliced pickles, lettuce cut into thin julienne strips, sliced tomatoes or onions cut into julienne strips and macerated in vinegar and salt.
  • Step 7
  • Assemble the hamburger and enjoy. Bon Appetit!

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