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Home > Breads and pastries > Recipe of Quick pumps

Recipe of Quick pumps

Recipe of Quick pumps

Today I will show you how to prepare Quick Bombas, it is a very delicious type of super sugary bread accompanied by tea to balance it.

You can fill them with chocolate or custard.

8 Servings
5 min Preparation
15 min Cooking


  • 8 milk breads or croasants
  • 150 g sugar
  • 150 g water
  • Aceite
  • Sugar to sprinkle on top

Join me and let's see how to make Quick pumps


    Step 1
  • Boil the sugar with the water until you create a light syrup
  • Step 2
  • Cut the milk rolls in half and pour syrup on the sides so that it is bathed but not. Let it go out I
  • Step 3
  • Put oil in a pan, a good splash and fry the rolls over high heat again and again and put them on absorbent paper to remove excess oil. Sprinkle with sugar and let's eat! It looks like they were filled with cream, they are so good!

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