To vary breakfast and surprise the guests at the table, something delicious and pleasant, that's why I come to show you how to prepare a delicious Raghaif.
You can accompany it with ham, yellow cheese or Paisa cheese
Large bowl, put the flour, make a hole in the middle, melted butter, salt, sugar, yeast and semolina, stir everything together, add water, stir until a dough is made, then knead until it is soft and does not stick and you can handle the dough.
Step 2
Take the dough and make balls like tennis balls, grease them with oil and let them rest for half an hour covered.
Step 3
After taking to stretch the dough so that it is very thin, put the stretched dough together as if it were an envelope, be careful to stretch the dough, you have to grease the area with oil.
Step 4
Heat a frying pan or griddle and add a few drops of extra virgin olive oil
Step 5
Put them in the pan so that it is done little by little and on low heat so that they do not burn. Leave them for a few minutes on each side that they are done and so on.