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Recipe of Asturian rice pudding

Recipe of Asturian rice pudding

Today we cook with you, Asturian rice pudding. This preparation is a variant characterized by flavoring with anise and serving with caramel, unlike the traditional one, this one is sweeter and more exotic. This is an easy preparation, which requires some patience, since it is cooked on a low flame to better decant the flavors of this

rich preparation.
4 Servings
130 min Preparation
120 min Cooking


  • 1 liter of whole milk
  • 110 grams of rice
  • 125 g sugar
  • 125 ml water
  • 1 piece of lemon peel
  • 1/3 tsp salt
  • 25 grams of unsalted butter
  • 1 tbsp anise (optional)

Join me and let's see how to make Asturian rice pudding


    Step 1
  • When the water is boiling add the rice and stir well. Then add the hot milk and stir again. Add the salt, butter and the piece of lemon peel.
  • Step 2
  • Put on a medium-low heat so that the milk doesn't boil (so as not to spoil the taste of the milk). Let the milk evaporate little by little while the rice cooks. You'll have to stir frequently so that it doesn't stick to the bottom and burn.
  • Step 3
  • At low heat, cooking will last about 2 hours. When the rice pudding is to your liking, add the sugar, stir well and leave 1 more minute on the fire. Then remove from the heat and if you like the flavor of anise and stir well. Then spread it over several places.
  • Step 4
  • Finally, add cinnamon or liquid caramel on top, or you can also sprinkle the surface of the rice pudding with a little sugar and burn it.

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