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Recipe of Blackberry and strawberry ice cream

Recipe of Blackberry and strawberry ice cream

Today I will show you how to prepare Blackberry and Strawberry Ice Cream, a dessert for a delicious snack on a sunny day in the afternoon.

The ice cream that I will show you I promise you is one of the best... blackberries and strawberries with yogurt and vanilla, delicious and with a texture that makes you fall in love with.

3 Servings
5 min Preparation


  • 3 frozen Canarian bananas
  • 350 g frozen strawberries
  • 250 frozen blackberries
  • 250 g soy and vanilla yogurt

Join me and let's see how to make Blackberry and strawberry ice cream


    Step 1
  • Freeze washed fruits beforehand. Store the yogurt in the freezer 1 hour before so that it is cold.
  • Step 2
  • Crush the fruits with the yogurt.


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