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Recipe of Meat dumplings

Recipe of Meat dumplings

Today I will show you how to prepare meat dumplings, special for a delicious breakfast before going to a long day of work.

I'm also very rich for your kids' school snacks.

24 Servings
20 min Preparation
30 min Cooking


  • 4 round empanada dough sheets
  • 1 egg
  • 500 g minced veal
  • 1 onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 tablespoons fried tomato
  • 1/4 cup wine
  • oregano
  • Hot paprika
  • Mix three peppers -hot-
  • oil and salt

Join me and let's see how to make Meat dumplings


    Step 1
  • We start by making the filling: we grind or cut the onion, carrots and garlic very small, we take it to a pan with oil and make the sauté. When it is done we add the meat seasoned with salt and spices, it will be spicy, so if you don't like the spicy one, you should put a small amount. When the meat has been cooking for a few minutes, add the wine and let it finish cooking, covered and on fire. You will wait for it to cool to fill the dumplings.
  • Step 2
  • We heat the oven to 180◦ with heat up and down and we are preparing the domes, with the help of a pasta cutter or simply a round container that gives us the size we want. The circles are made, 6 units can come out of each plate. We place filling in each circle and fold to close and fold.
  • Step 3
  • We paint them with beaten egg and they are baked for about 20 minutes.

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