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Recipe of Fried fish sandwich

Recipe of Fried fish sandwich

Another time, we'll teach you how to make fried fish; now we invite you to prepare a fried fish sandwich, a quick alternative for all those who don't have the time to have lunch or if you have some extra fried foods, you can integrate it into breakfast or snack.

2 Servings
3 min Preparation


  • A feather onion
  • 2 breads, split in half
  • 1 sliced unpeeled tomato
  • Green chili pepper
  • Olive oil

Join me and let's see how to make Fried fish sandwich


    Step 1
  • To do this, pass the fish fillets through the milkshake and remove the excess milkshake.
  • Step 2
  • After approximately 5 minutes, they will be golden brown and it is time to remove them.
  • Step 3
  • Unpeeled tomato on a piece of bread, sprinkle salt, olive oil and serve fried fish, top with some feathered onion, green chili pepper and another little olive oil. Cover with the other side of the bread.

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