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Home > Healthy > Recipe of Creamy soy and garlic mayonnaise

Recipe of Creamy soy and garlic mayonnaise

Recipe of Creamy soy and garlic mayonnaise
Ideal for continuing with a healthy and energetic diet, I bring you an indication of how to prepare a divine Creamy Soy and Garlic Mayonnaise.

You can use it for your gratinated vegetable salads and in crackers.

12 Servings
30 min Cooking


  • 1 cup soy vegetable drink
  • 2 cups wonder oil
  • Garlic to taste
  • Sal
  • Pimienta
  • 1 lemon

Join me and let's see how to make Creamy soy and garlic mayonnaise


    Step 1
  • To start, wrap a head of garlic in aluminum foil and bake for 30 minutes.
  • Step 2
  • In a blender, process the vegetable drink + the two cups of oil. Starting without moving the When the mixture has the consistency of a cream or mayonnaise, add the juice squeezed from a lemon + salt and pepper to taste.
  • Step 3
  • Remove the garlic from the oven and peel two cloves of garlic or you can put everything, that depends on your tastes. The garlic that is left over, you can reserve it for a delicious garlic butter ❤️ Now it's ready to pack! Minipimer for a minute, then go up and down.
  • Step 4
  • You can enjoy mayonnaise with nachos, cookies, or use it in a salad. I tried it with green leaf salad, tomatoes and crispy chickpeas. A delight!

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