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Home > Pasta - Noodles > Recipe of Pasta with walnuts and pumpkin

Recipe of Pasta with walnuts and pumpkin

Recipe of Pasta with walnuts and pumpkin

Today we will present you a delicious recipe with pumpkin. We will teach you how to prepare pasta with walnuts and pumpkin, a very rich and nutritious dish, ideal to share with friends and family. This recipe is prepared with walnuts, which help to give a slightly crunchy sensation to our dish, and with pumpkin, which it complements with its rich flavor, color and texture. We recommend that you accompany your meal with a tasty cheese platter.

4 Servings
20 min Preparation
15 min Cooking
Pasta - Noodles


  • 250 gr. of macaroni.
  • 150 gr. of peeled pumpkin.
  • 50 gr. of walnuts.
  • 100 gr. of green onions.
  • 20 gr. of Parmesan cheese.
  • 30 ml. of olive oil.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • Salt.
  • Chive stalks.

Join me and let's see how to make Pasta with walnuts and pumpkin


    Step 1
  • In a pan over medium heat, fry the chopped onion and a clove of garlic cut into slices. When the ingredients are golden brown, add the peeled and chopped pumpkin and finish cooking everything together for five more minutes. The peeled walnuts, some chive stalks and a pinch of salt are extracted and added.
  • Step 2
  • Then the pasta will have to be prepared in a boiling pot for about ten minutes. When the pasta is to taste, it is extracted to drain and mixed together with the condiment that has been prepared previously. They are served on plates and are finished with slices of Parmesan cheese.

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