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Recipe of Rice noodles

Recipe of Rice noodles

Preparing rice noodles is very simple, they are ideal for students and people who have little time to prepare their lunch since they can accompany them with salads and an endless number of other preparations, some more and others less elaborate. Keep reading to learn how to make delicious, quick and easy rice noodles.

4 Servings
10 min Preparation
5 min Cooking


  • 1 pack of rice noodles

Join me and let's see how to make Rice noodles


    Step 1
  • Fill a pot halfway with water, and leave until it boils. Remove from the heat and immerse the rice noodles for 5 minutes, then strain them, to remove the water and that's it, the rice noodles are ready to accompany any protein or salad you have in mind.

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