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Recipe of Spaghetti in cheese and chicken sauce

Recipe of Spaghetti in cheese and chicken sauce

Today we want to introduce you to an interesting dish for your meals. We will teach you how to prepare spaghetti in cheese and chicken sauce, a unique dish that is very simple to prepare and full of nutrients. The ingredients are simple, so you can prepare this dish without planning, every time. A dish full of fiber and natural proteins. We recommend that you accompany it with a delicious coffee mousse.

4 Servings
20 min Preparation
15 min Cooking


  • 400g of spaghetti.
  • 150 g of bacon.
  • 4 cloves of garlic.
  • 2 chicken breasts.
  • 400ml of milk.
  • 200ml of cream for cooking.
  • 200g of grated cheese.
  • 1 good handful of chopped parsley.
  • salt and pepper.

Join me and let's see how to make Spaghetti in cheese and chicken sauce


    Step 1
  • We bring water to a boil in a pot. When it reaches the boil, add a good handful of salt and add the spaghetti. To prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the pot, stir frequently, especially at the beginning of cooking.
  • Step 2
  • While the pasta is cooking, we prepare the sauce, which is made in a pie. Put the bacon cut into strips in a large pan and cook over high heat. We don't add any oil since the bacon itself has a lot of fat and will be cooked in its own juices. After a couple of minutes, when it has been toasted (it will have released a lot of fat) we remove the bacon from the pan, keeping all the fat it has released inside.
  • Step 3
  • Now, in this fat and on a softer heat, add the finely chopped garlic cloves. We are going to flavor this oil with the garlic flavor. This way you will get a truly delicious taste. After a couple of minutes, when the garlic starts to turn color, add the chicken breast cut into bite-sized cubes. Turn up the heat again and mix frequently, to seal the chicken, keeping it still raw inside.
  • Step 4
  • After another two minutes, we added the milk, the cream for cooking, the grated cheese, the bacon that we had reserved before and the spaghetti, already cooked and drained from the water. Save a glass of the broth from the cooking because we will need it for later. We also add a small pinch of freshly ground black pepper and then mix all the ingredients, without removing them from the heat, to integrate well with each other.
  • Step 5
  • If you see that the pasta is not too creamy (which can be) add a good splash of the cooking water. This is what we had booked it for. This water gives a lot of flavor and creaminess to the preparation. We also add the chopped parsley and mix again until the pasta has obtained that creamy touch we are looking for. Serve immediately and garnish with a little more freshly ground black pepper.

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