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Recipe of Carbonara pizza

Recipe of Carbonara pizza

Sunday on a happy afternoon with the desire to share a delicious dinner, I come to give you instructions on how to prepare a Carbonara Pizza based on rustic bread.

You can accompany it with a milkshake covered in ice cubes and to decorate it you can add strips of red paprika and fresh coriander leaves.

6 Servings
45 min Cooking


  • Rustic bread pizza dough
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 200 g sliced mushrooms
  • 150 g thin slices of smoked bacon
  • 1 pinch of fine salt
  • 200 ml liquid cream for cooking
  • 100 g grated cheese

Join me and let's see how to make Carbonara pizza


    Step 1
  • Once the rustic dough of our pizza has been rested, we give it the shape of the oven tray to achieve a good family size. We spread some tomato sauce, the sliced mushrooms, the strips of bacon, the onion cut into julienne strips and sprinkle it with liquid cream to cook.
  • Step 2
  • Finally, we add special grated cheese to gratin well distributed over the surface and ready to bake with the oven preheated to 180 degrees. Raise the temperature to 200ºC and bake it for about 25 minutes, until we see that the base is done and the ingredients are golden brown.
  • Step 3
  • A word of advice, in the last five minutes we can lower the tray one position so that it is done correctly underneath. And now we have it ready to enjoy.
  • Step 4
  • Bon Appetit.

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