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Recipe of Pizza dough ciabata bread

Recipe of Pizza dough ciabata bread

Today we want to show you a recipe for pizza dough. We will teach you how to prepare pizza dough ciabata bread, a simple preparation that will serve you a lot on your way as a cook. This recipe is very simple, since the ingredients are not strange. They are very simple to obtain, so you can prepare everything properly.

4 Servings
240 min Preparation
15 min Cooking


  • 160 g of strength flour.
  • 180 ml of water.
  • 1 g of instant baker's yeast.
  • 190 g of strength flour.
  • 5 g of instant yeast.
  • 10 g of salt.
  • 45 ml of water

Join me and let's see how to make Pizza dough ciabata bread


    Step 1
  • We have to mix all the ingredients and we will get a sticky dough, which we have to let it rest until it doubles in size. It usually takes about 3 or 4 hours. It depends on the ambient temperature.
  • Step 2
  • To make the dough, mix the flour, salt and baking powder. Add the poolish and water, mix everything well until you get a dough that will be quite sticky. To knead by hand, we must wet our hands with water and we will knead with circular movements inside the bowl itself. If you do it by machine it's much easier, you just have to notice that the dough peels off the walls but that it sticks to the bottom. We will knead for about 5 minutes.
  • Step 3
  • Pour the dough with the help of a spatula dipped in water onto baking paper. Roll it out, grease the dough with extra virgin olive oil and cover with kitchen film. Leave about 45 minutes to an hour and add whatever ingredients you want.
  • Step 4
  • In today's case, we made the base of tomato and cheese, onion and mushroom and half we put chistorra and the other half tuna. Bake at 210 ºC preheated on a baking stone for about 15 minutes.

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