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Home > Salads > Recipe of Colorful burrito salad with chicken and beans

Recipe of Colorful burrito salad with chicken and beans

Recipe of Colorful burrito salad with chicken and beans

Today we are going to show you a tasty salad. We will teach you how to prepare colorful burrito salad with chicken and beans, a very healthy and delicious dish. This dish is a rich burrito style recipe, which, being composed of many vegetables and legumes, is a healthy dish, with lots of fiber and vitamins. We recommend that you accompany this dish with refreshing grape juice

2 Servings
15 min Preparation


  • roasted or boiled chicken 200 g.
  • Lettuce to taste 1.
  • Cooked canned or homemade beans 80 g.
  • Tomato or 10 cherries.
  • Avocado 1.
  • Purple onion 0.5.
  • Hot red pepper 1.
  • Fresh parsley or cilantro.
  • Lime 1.
  • Lemon 1.
  • Ground black pepper.
  • Salt.
  • Apple or Sherry Vinegar 5 ml.
  • Extra virgin olive oil 30 ml.

Join me and let's see how to make Colorful burrito salad with chicken and beans


    Step 1
  • Wash and drain the lettuce, cut into strips or chop and spread it into bowls or a large salad bowl. Wash the tomatoes and cut into pieces in one bite. Drain the beans well and rinse if we use them in preservation. Cut the pepper, without the seeds, and the onion into thin slices or small cubes. Cut the peeled avocado into wedges.
  • Step 2
  • Spread all the ingredients on top of the lettuce, arranging them in groups or mixing everything directly. Add chopped fresh parsley or cilantro to taste. Prepare a dressing by mixing two or three tablespoons of olive oil with lime and lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, black pepper and salt.
  • Step 3
  • Serve the burrito salad in individual bowls or in the center of the table on a large platter. Dress to taste and serve with wheat or corn tortillas, if desired. Add hot sauce to taste, cheese or yogurt sauce.

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