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Recipe of What could be more Chilean than a Chilean salad

Recipe of What could be more Chilean than a Chilean salad

For a rich and energetic healthy dinner with essential vitamin sources on the table, I will explain to you how to prepare an exquisite Chilean salad.

To multiply vitamin sources, you can add spinach, and eat with some savory rolls.

7 Servings
10 min Cooking


  • 2 to 3 tomatoes
  • 1 medium onion
  • Coriander
  • Salt, pepper and oil.

Join me and let's see how to make What could be more Chilean than a Chilean salad


    Step 1
  • Peel the tomatoes.
  • Step 2
  • We cut them into wedges.
  • Step 3
  • Remove the husk from the onion and cut it into fine feathers.
  • Step 4
  • Wash it thoroughly in a sieve to remove acidity and empty it together with the tomatoes.
  • Step 5
  • Wash and cut the Cilantro and add it to our salad. We added the secret touch of cumin that made it so popular (just a little or it will be out of date with this flavor). Add salt, pepper and oil and voilà! We have our delicious Chilean salad. What else Chilean?


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