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Recipe of Seafood empanadas

Recipe of Seafood empanadas

At Vida Recetas we love easy recipes, that's why we want to teach you how to prepare delicious empanadas, taking advantage of the versatility of the dough. Today we invite you to cook seafood empanadas, a very rich preparation that has nothing to envy those of pine and other variants, especially to prepare at Easter and share them with the family.

15 Servings
40 min Preparation
10 min Cooking


  • PINO
  • 3 diced onions
  • 2 minced garlic cloves
  • 500 g of cooked seafood assortment.
  • cumin
  • Chili powder or paprika
  • MASA
  • 650 g wheat flour without baking powder
  • 60 g melted vegetable or pork fat
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • 500 ml warm water.

Join me and let's see how to make Seafood empanadas


    Step 1
  • Make an onion and garlic sauce, add the seafood assortment and let it cook for 5 minutes and set it aside. When filling the empanadas, the pine must be cold.
  • Step 2
  • For the dough, mix the dry ingredients, the flour with the salt, and add half of the water and all the butter. Gradually add the rest of the water, knead until you get a dough that doesn't stick to your fingers. Let it rest in a bag for 10 minutes in the refrigerator.
  • Step 3
  • Sprinkle the counter with a thin layer of flour, since we don't want the dough to dry, stretch the dough, give it a thickness of 2 to 3 mm. Cut the discs and all the excess is reused and cut again. Put a veil of flour on each disc to prevent them from sticking together while new discs are being cut.
  • Step 4
  • Fry in plenty of oil until the doughs are golden brown, about 5 minutes.

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