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Home > Soups > Recipe of Soup of Choritos

Recipe of Soup of Choritos

Recipe of Soup of Choritos

Today we will show you how to prepare choritos soup, which can be richer than this beautiful mix of delicious ingredients, taking advantage of the fact that the days are very cold, it will warm our whole body, providing us with natural energy for our time of day, very tasty knowing that our sea has the best food pleasures to create a spectacular meal rich in nutrients, calcium and protein, to give us a lot of energy and unique vitality.

I think that the experience consists of always taking a step beyond what at that time you think is the best.

3 Servings
25 min Preparation
5 min Cooking


  • 500 g of fried food
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 small carrot
  • Cilantro to taste
  • 2 cloves of garlic

Join me and let's see how to make Soup of Choritos


    Step 1
  • Wash the chips thoroughly and brush if necessary, and place it in a medium pot, I did it in a clay pot because it gives it another flavor and we added salt to taste and water until covered, leave for 20 minutes around medium flame
  • Step 2
  • In a frying pan, place a little oil, and add the onion in a very fine feather cut, and chop the garlic cloves and sauté, seasoning with salt to taste and oregano, and leave for 2 minutes, sealing on medium flame, and boiling the soup of choritos
  • Step 3
  • Turn off and remove the chips, to remove the shell from some of them and place the sauce we made, and stir the ingredients until it starts to boil again, chop cilantro and add a little
  • Step 4
  • Our choritos soup is ready and we served it in pailas de gredas, we added coriander and merquen phew it was delicious.. 🍵

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