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Home > Breads and pastries > Recipe of Sourdough: The Baker's Secret

Recipe of Sourdough: The Baker's Secret

Recipe of Sourdough: The Baker's Secret

Bakery is one of the oldest arts in the world, and today it is widespread all over the planet, from white and spongy breads, to crispy baguettes, Ciabattas, black breads and sweets, among many others, they have always accompanied our table.

Bread is a ferment built from the action of microorganisms, bacteria found in grains and fruits, which, when mixed with water and flour, ferment the dough based on the sugars present in flours. In ancient times, bread was allowed to ferment for hours or days, until the invention of chemical yeast; although it is true that its invention shortened leavening times, this was to the detriment of

its quality.

At Vidarecetas we want to share with you this sourdough recipe, a yeast that we can use to give body, flavor and texture to our white or whole wheat breads.

96 min Preparation


  • Wholemeal flour
  • Agua
  • Lemon juice, vinegar, or natural, unsweetened yogurt
  • A glass jar
  • A spoon
  • Patience

Join me and let's see how to make Sourdough: The Baker's Secret


    Step 1
  • Day 1, mix 50 g of wholemeal flour and 50 cc of water at room temperature, add a little lemon juice, vinegar or natural unsweetened yogurt. Semi-cover with a lid, to let the carbon dioxide escape and let it sit at room temperature for 24 hours.
  • Step 2
  • Day 2, add 50 g of flour and 50 cc of water and stir. Do not cover and let it rest again for 24 hours.
  • Step 3
  • Day 3: Throw half of the mixture and add 100 g of flour and 100 cc of water and stir.
  • Step 4
  • Day 4: leave 100 g of the mixture and throw away the rest, then add 100 g of flour and 100 cc of water and stir.
  • Step 5
  • Day 5, leave 100 g of the mixture, throw away the rest and add 100 g of flour and 100 cc of water and stir. From this day on, you can add white flour to the dough, in this way it becomes a white sourdough ideal for making white breads such as wholegrain breads.

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