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Home > Cakes and Pies > Recipe of Filo spinach and feta cheese pastry (spanakopita).

Recipe of Filo spinach and feta cheese pastry (spanakopita).

Recipe of Filo spinach and feta cheese pastry (spanakopita).

I crave a snack full of vitamins K, A, C, for the whole family. I came to teach you how to prepare Phylo Spinach and Feta Cheese Pastry (Spanakopita).

You can eat it with soda crackers and don't miss a slushied drink.

4 Servings
45 min Cooking


  • 1 red onion
  • 1 garlic
  • 300 g spinach leaves
  • 150 g feta cheese
  • 5 sheets of pasta Filo
  • Handful of pine nuts
  • Handful of raisins without seeds
  • Sal
  • 2 eggs
  • Ground pepper
  • Nutmeg
  • Sesame
  • Olive oil.

Join me and let's see how to make Filo spinach and feta cheese pastry (spanakopita).


    Step 1
  • Beat the eggs, add salt, ground pepper and nutmeg. Mix the spinach mixture when it is warm, with the eggs and add the feta cheese. Brush the phyllo dough sheets with olive oil. And we are placing them in the mold.
  • Step 2
  • Put the 4 sheets around the mold, put the filling and cover by placing a folded sheet in the center, and close with the sheets, paint with oil and put some sesame seeds on it.
  • Step 3
  • With the oven already heated to 180° heat up and down, we put the cake for 25/30 minutes, we keep an eye on it and when it is golden we remove it from the oven. And now we can enjoy a very delicious savory cake 😋😋 I hope you like it.

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