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Recipe of Sacher cake

Recipe of Sacher cake

For your special birthday, I'm here to teach you how to prepare a delicious Sacher Cake to share with your family and friends.

To complement a strawberry flavored jelly and soft drinks.

20 Servings
90 min Cooking


  • Sponge cake:
  • 6 eggs
  • 140 grams unsalted butter
  • 140 grams flour
  • 180 grams granulated sugar
  • 40 grams of flower sugar (impalpable)
  • 40 grams bitter cocoa powder
  • 140 grams semisweet chocolate coating
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla essence
  • Pinch salt
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp white vinegar
  • Filling and decoration:
  • 300 grams apricot jam
  • Chocolate icing.

Join me and let's see how to make Sacher cake


    Step 1
  • We start by separating the whites from the yolks. In a bowl, place the egg whites and beat until stiff, then add the granulated sugar and beat until a firm meringue is formed. Book.
  • Step 2
  • In a small pot, place 5 cm of water, we will make a water bath at moderate-low heat, on it place a container suitable for a double boiler and place the chocolate coating and butter, leave until it melts completely. In a bowl, place the melted butter and chocolate, the sifted brown sugar and bitter cocoa powder, the vanilla essence and the pinch of salt, mix until integrated.
  • Step 3
  • Add the yolks one by one, mixing well before adding the next one.
  • Step 4
  • Add 1/3 of the sifted flour and 1/3 of the meringue to this mixture and mix in an enveloping and gentle way until integrated, continue with the rest of the flour and meringue. Once everything is integrated, add the baking soda diluted in the vinegar and also add in an enveloping way to the shake.
  • Step 5
  • Divide into two pre-buttered and floured 22 cm molds (It can also be in a single mold).
  • Step 6
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C under wrapping heat for 25 to 30 minutes if they are with molds. If it is a mold, it may take 40 minutes or more. You'll know it's ready when you bury a stick in it and it comes out clean. Let it cool down.
  • Step 7
  • The apricot jam must be sifted so that when covering the cake it is smooth. Book.
  • Step 8
  • This cake has only two layers of cake, in the case of using two molds, pair so that they are straight. Place some jam where the cake will go (it has to be a smaller tray than the cake to be covered later with the chocolate icing), place a cake and place a generous layer of apricot jam, then place the other layer of cake and seal on all sides with the jam. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  • Step 9
  • After this time, place on a rack and under it a plate (to receive the icing that will fall around), drop the chocolate icing, which has to be at a temperature of 37° to 40°C and let gravity do its work, although with a spatula they can even out the icing on the sides. Once ready, transfer to the presentation plate or tray and refrigerate for 10 minutes.
  • Step 10
  • After this time, the final decoration can be made with the icing that was left, it is placed in a disposable pastry bag and a small hole is made to draw, it will be thicker and what is drawn will not run away. In this case I made the decoration that Anna Olson makes in her version of Sacher cake, 3 stripes are made that are then crossed with 3 stripes that are then crossed with 3 stripes to end with 3 pearls, something very simple that looks very nice.
  • Step 11
  • And to be enjoyed optionally, you can accompany it with a little bit of Chantilly cream.

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