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Home > Cakes > Recipe of Chocolate and banana cake with ganache cream

Recipe of Chocolate and banana cake with ganache cream

Recipe of Chocolate and banana cake with ganache cream

If you like a delicious cake for the eleven this is your recipe, let's see how to prepare chocolate and banana cake with ganache cream, you will love this rich and innovative recipe, it's very rich and special for the eleventh hour, being able to enjoy it with a delicious tea or a coffee with whiskey after lunch, when you feel how chocolate is mixed with coffee you will love it, let's go to the recipe!

10 Servings
10 min Preparation
40 min Cooking


  • 3 cups sifted flour without baking powder
  • 2 tablespoons baking powder
  • 4 large eggs
  • 2 cups flower or impalpable sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla essence
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 1 cup milk 200 ml
  • 3 tablespoons chocolate
  • Ganache cream
  • 100 ml heavy cream
  • 200 g chocolate topped with Alfajores

Join me and let's see how to make Chocolate and banana cake with ganache cream


    Step 1
  • The first thing we do is sift the flour together with the baking powder, and grind the bananas so that it is well ground.
  • Step 2
  • Separate the yolks with the whites, and beat the egg whites in the form of snow, and when it doubles in volume we add the brown or impalpable sugar, once the meringue is firm, we add the yolks and the already ground banana.
  • Step 3
  • Add the chocolate in an enveloping form with a spatula, we move slowly, adding the milk and vanilla essence, after having stirred the whole mixture, we oil the mold and add the dough, having already heated the oven 5 minutes before, we place it at 190 degrees in 42 minutes on medium flame.
  • Step 4
  • In the meantime we make the ganache cream, melt the chocolate in a water bath already melted, add the cream, let it warm, it will be thick, when it is cold, we place it in a decorating sleeve, the cake is ready and disassembled in the lines, we decorate with ganache cream and our banana chocolate cake with ganache cream is ready and our banana chocolate cake with ganache cream is ready.

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