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Home > Cakes > Recipe of Marbled cake.

Recipe of Marbled cake.

Recipe of Marbled cake.

For a friendly picnic or a delicious snack, I'll show you how to prepare a marbled sponge cake.

Make sure that there is no shortage of very cold carbonated soft drinks, to decorate it you can place strips of peaches and nuts.

12 Servings
45 min Cooking


  • 3 eggs, 1 lemon yogurt, olive oil, sugar, flour and
  • Yeast, chocolate powder and vanilla essence.

Join me and let's see how to make Marbled cake.


    Step 1
  • Add the 3 eggs, the lemon yogurt or preference, with the yogurt pot half of oil, with the yogurt pot 2 of sugar, with the yogurt pot 3 of flour, 1 sachet of yeast and 1 spoon of vanilla essence. And we beat everything together.
  • Step 2
  • Once everything is whipped, we separate both quantities into 2 bowls and in a bowl we add 2 tablespoons of chocolate powder (my case nesquis).
  • Step 3
  • Let's take the cake and add butter and sprinkle with flour so that the cake doesn't stick. Then we throw the yellow dough and throw it into the mold and then in sima we add the chocolate dough and with a skewer stick we mix it by firing drawing and baking it in the oven at approximately 180 and watching until you poke and the skewer stick comes out clean.

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