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Home > Chicken > Recipe of Baked chicken with potatoes and onions

Recipe of Baked chicken with potatoes and onions

Recipe of Baked chicken with potatoes and onions

Today we are going to show you a delicious recipe for baked chicken with potatoes and onions, a delicious and very nutritious recipe, otherwise excellent preparation for dinner and to enjoy with the family. It is also a good option as a Christmas dinner. Chicken is an excellent food because it provides us with a large amount of protein within all its nutrients, especially in a high-protein diet that we expect to cook this delicious baked chicken.

6 Servings
10 min Preparation
30 min Cooking


  • a whole chicken or four trout
  • 4 potatoes or medium potatoes
  • four medium onions
  • salt and pepper
  • dried thyme
  • olive oil

Join me and let's see how to make Baked chicken with potatoes and onions


    Step 1
  • We must peel the potatoes and then cut them into thin slices, hopefully no more than 1 cm and a half thick as possible.
  • Step 2
  • Place the potato slices on a baking sheet leaving them as a base.
  • Step 3
  • Then I love the onion on the cross, cut it into thin strips or also known as a feather cutter, placing the onion on the potato and taking advantage of seasoning everything.
  • Step 4
  • We place the dish in the oven that hopefully we are at two 20°C leaving the heat up and down and let it bake for about 30 minutes until it is well browned.
  • Step 5
  • Once it is golden brown, take the tray out of the oven and we are going to turn the chicken around allowing it to cook properly on both sides.

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