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Home > Chicken > Recipe of Wings with potatoes, white wine and garlic with parsley.

Recipe of Wings with potatoes, white wine and garlic with parsley.

Recipe of Wings with potatoes, white wine and garlic with parsley.

A surprising lunch for a special guest, I'll show you how to prepare Wings with potatoes, white wine and garlic with parsley.

You can accompany it with white rice.

60 min Cooking


  • 1/2 kilo wings cleaned and split in half
  • 1 kilo new potatoes
  • 1 dcl of dry white wine
  • 5 purple garlic cloves
  • Fresh parsley
  • 1/4 liter of extra virgin olive oil
  • Sal
  • Freshly ground black pepper.

Join me and let's see how to make Wings with potatoes, white wine and garlic with parsley.


    Step 1
  • In a deep frying pan or wok, we put the oil to heat up, and first fry the peeled, washed potatoes cut into sticks with a little salt, once fried, set aside, and in the same oil we fry the wings with salt until they are well browned and set aside.
  • Step 2
  • In the mortar, mash the garlic with the parsley and a little salt, then add the wine and mix well.
  • Step 3
  • Then remove half of the oil, put the French fries in the wok, top the wings and drizzle with the mash, put a little pepper, and with medium heat, sauté everything together for 10 minutes, and ready to serve.

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