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Home > Creams > Recipe of Egg-free aioli (with milk)

Recipe of Egg-free aioli (with milk)

Recipe of Egg-free aioli (with milk)

Today I will show you how to prepare aioli without eggs (with milk), it is a very delicious whipped cream to eat with bread and drinks

Ideal for parties to use

as pasapalos...
1 Servings
5 min Preparation


  • 2 garlics
  • Milk
  • Sunflower oil
  • Sal

Join me and let's see how to make Egg-free aioli (with milk)


    Step 1
  • We start by peeling the two garlics, opening them in half and removing the root that they have inside, since that will be what will make our aioli repeat or not.
  • Step 2
  • In the blender bowl, put the two garlics, two fingers of milk and 3 of sunflower oil.
  • Step 3
  • We introduce the mixer at maximum power, WITHOUT MOVING THE MIXER, we gradually add oil without stopping whipping, we start moving smoothly by lifting a little, so the oil that is on top is mixed with the one on the bottom, if you want a thicker texture made more oil until you get the desired texture. Finally, salt is added to it
  • Step 4
  • I put two garlics because we like the strong flavor in aioli.
  • Step 5
  • If at any time you see that your aioli does not emulsify, that's okay, you just have to add a little bit of oil without stopping, with the mixer running without going up or down until you see it start to thicken.

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