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Recipe of Muslin cream

Recipe of Muslin cream

Today I will show you how to prepare muslin cream, it is a pastry cream but butter is added to it and its preparation is simple.

Delicious to enjoy with the family

1 Servings
15 min Preparation
10 min Cooking


  • 2 yolks
  • 200 ml milk
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar (50 g)
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch (25 g)
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 100 grams unsalted butter cut into squares and cold

Join me and let's see how to make Muslin cream


    Step 1
  • In a pot, place the milk, yolks, sugar, cornstarch and vanilla essence, mix until integrated. Bring to moderate-low heat without stopping stirring until you get a cream (approx. 5 to 8 minutes).
  • Step 2
  • Transfer to a bowl and whisk at medium speed until no steam comes out and is warm. Add the butter cut into squares and fry, whisk until the butter is integrated. Cover with transparent film in contact with the cream to prevent a thick layer from forming. Refrigerate for a minimum of one hour.
  • Step 3
  • After this time in the refrigerator, beat at medium speed until you get a paler color and an even creamier and more airy texture.
  • Step 4
  • And our muslin cream is ready to be used as a complement to cold desserts of your choice and that will make a difference 🤩 I used it as a filling for a cream cake with strawberry jam

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