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Recipe of Coconut and blueberry popsicles

Recipe of Coconut and blueberry popsicles

Today I will show you how to prepare coconut and blueberry popsicles. It's a delicious dessert to make in those summer heat.

You can make them with the fruit of your choice.

3 Servings
10 min Preparation
3 min Cooking


  • 150 g canned coconut milk
  • 100 g frozen (or fresh) blueberries
  • 1 cup agave syrup or other sweetener
  • 10 g shredded coconut

Join me and let's see how to make Coconut and blueberry popsicles


    Step 1
  • Mix the coconut milk with the sweetener and the grated coconut
  • Step 2
  • Put the blueberries in the microwave for a few seconds and crush them well with a fork, mix them halfway with the previous mixture for the marbled effect and pour into our molds
  • Step 3
  • We freeze for at least 3 hours and let's enjoy!


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