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Home > Desserts > Recipe of Crepes for one

Recipe of Crepes for one

Recipe of Crepes for one

To please the palate with a rich family snack, I have come to teach you how to prepare delicious Crepes for one.

If you want, you can add grated cheese and pink sauce.

4 Servings
30 min Cooking


  • 1 egg
  • 3 large spoons flour
  • 1 cup of milk yogurt
  • A little bit of butter
  • Quantity to taste Sugar, if they are going to be sweet.

Join me and let's see how to make Crepes for one


    Step 1
  • Put everything in the mixer and beat until you get a dough that is not too liquid
  • Step 2
  • Pour a little butter, not even half a teaspoon into the pan, pour a little of the dough, spread it in the pan with circular movements
  • Step 3
  • Wait a few moments, peel off the edges first with a cat's tongue and then take off completely and turn around
  • Step 4
  • Repeat the process with each crepe, about three or four will come out depending on the thickness of the crepe and the size of the pan.
  • Step 5
  • Honey, cinnamon, vanilla can be added to the dough... (if they are going to be sweet) for savory crepes replace the sugar with a little salt.

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