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Recipe of Nougat cake

Recipe of Nougat cake

Today I will show you how to prepare Nougat Sponge Cake, it is a delicious dessert to accompany with a delicious tea or coffee in the morning.

You can add chocolate or delicacies to it.

8 Servings
10 min Preparation
40 min Cooking


  • 700 grams Suchard nougat
  • 175 grams of pastry flour
  • 30 grams pure cocoa
  • 65 grams cane sugar
  • 165 milliliters of milk
  • 80 grams butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 8 grams chemical yeast
  • Pinch salt
  • For the ganache
  • 50 grams chocolate to melt
  • 50 grams cream

Join me and let's see how to make Nougat cake


    Step 1
  • We melted the Suchard chocolate nougat and set it aside, melted the butter and set it aside as well (I melted everything in the microwave in strokes of 30 seconds)
  • Step 2
  • Put the eggs and brown sugar in a bowl, whisk with a manual rod to integrate the sugar well, add the melted butter and chocolate nougat, integrate it well and once integrated, add the milk.
  • Step 3
  • Sift all the dry ingredients: the flour, the cocoa, a pinch of salt and the yeast, add it to the previous mixture and integrate it with the manual rod.
  • Step 4
  • We distribute it in a mold and bake it at 180 degrees for 40 minutes, let it cool and if the top layer has been very cracked we perfect it a little with the knife, we put the cream in a bowl and we put the cream in a bowl and heat it in the microwave, add the chocolate with the same heater as the cream, it will melt, we put it in a pastry bag and reserve it in the fridge until it cools down, we distribute it on top of the cake and decorate it with chocolate balls or to the taste of each one

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