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Recipe of Vegan and lactose-free peanut ice cream

Recipe of Vegan and lactose-free peanut ice cream

Today I will show you how to prepare vegan and lactose-free peanut ice cream, it's very simple to make and with few ingredients to give you a taste.

You can also do it with a banana.

1 Servings
5 min Preparation


  • 400 ml coconut milk (1 can)
  • 250 g peanut butter
  • 100 g sugar (or whatever sweetener you want)
  • Vanilla drizzle
  • Pinch coarse-grained salt
  • chocolate and peanuts for decoration

Join me and let's see how to make Vegan and lactose-free peanut ice cream


    Step 1
  • To make this delicacy, start by mixing coconut milk with peanut butter, sugar, vanilla and salt with manual rods.
  • Step 2
  • Pour the ice cream into a container (in my case it's a glass tupper without a lid) and garnish with a little melted chocolate mixed with coconut milk or vegan cream, a few peanuts and salt flakes. Place in the freezer for about 5 hours.

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