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Recipe of Chocolate Express Kiss

Recipe of Chocolate Express Kiss

For all lovers and lovers, at Vida Receta we bring you the chocolate express kiss, a sweet drink that integrates the flavors of coffee, chocolate and whiskey; it has an intense flavor and a color that reminds us of that of coffee with milk.

Its preparation is quick and easy, keep reading to learn the ingredients and steps to make the chocolate express kiss

1 Servings
2 min Preparation


  • 1 ½ ounce of Jack Daniels whiskey
  • ½ ounce of Bailey`s whiskey cream
  • ½ ounce chocolate liqueur
  • 1 prepared cappuccino or sweetened coffee with milk.
  • custard
  • chocolate and coconut cookie.

Join me and let's see how to make Chocolate Express Kiss


    Step 1
  • In a glass filled with ice, add the whiskey, whiskey cream, chocolate liqueur and cappuccino. Stir to mix and now add a little cream, on top and decorate with the cookie.

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