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Recipe of Carbonara mushrooms

Recipe of Carbonara mushrooms

Today we want to introduce you to a delicious mushroom dish. We will teach you how to prepare carbonara mushrooms, a delicious family dish that you can enjoy with your best friends. The ingredients in this dish are relatively simple. We're talking about mushrooms, some ham and other things that you probably already have in your house. A simple dish, but with an exotic character, which adds up a lot of points when it comes to serving a table with guests. We also recommend that you accompany this dish with tasty cheese and mushroom puffs.

4 Servings
20 min Preparation
10 min Cooking


  • 3 or 4 large mushrooms per person (depending on size).
  • 150 g of cooked ham or bacon in small cubes.
  • 200 ml of liquid cooking cream
  • Half an onion.
  • Salt, pepper and nutmeg.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.

Join me and let's see how to make Carbonara mushrooms


    Step 1
  • Clean the mushrooms thoroughly by removing all traces of soil. Separate the stems and chop them very finely.
  • Step 2
  • In a frying pan with oil, sauté the chopped onion. When it is poached, put the chopped stems and sauté for a couple of minutes.
  • Step 3
  • Add the cooked bacon or ham, season to taste and leave another couple of minutes. Add the cream and let the sauce reduce and thicken on the fire. When it has a creamy consistency we remove.
  • Step 4
  • While we finish the sauce, put the clean and well-dried mushrooms (dry with kitchen paper if necessary) in a frying pan on the fire to grill them for one minute on each side.
  • Step 5
  • Remove the mushrooms from the heat, put a teaspoon of sauce on each one and serve hot on the spot, sprinkled with a little chopped parsley if you like.

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