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Recipe of Stuffed mushrooms

Recipe of Stuffed mushrooms

Meeting of special guests to delight in delighting a low-calorie recipe, I arrived to teach you how to prepare some rich stuffed mushrooms.

If you want, you can add lemon juice to the preparation.

You can accompany them with some spaghetti with a creamy sauce and taste!

8 Servings
40 min Cooking


  • Large-sized mushrooms
  • Quail eggs
  • Iberian ham with fatty part
  • Sobrasada
  • Mix of four cheeses
  • Garlic and Parsley
  • Salt and pepper.

Join me and let's see how to make Stuffed mushrooms


    Step 1
  • We remove the foot from the mushrooms after cleaning the possible traces of soil. We'll save them to make a creampie.
  • Step 2
  • In a mortar we crush a few cloves of garlic with a bunch of parsley. Add a few tablespoons of olive oil, mix and set aside.
  • Step 3
  • We cut the ham, I used Iberian ham with part of the fat. We booked
  • Step 4
  • Turn on the griddle, brush with the garlic and parsley oil and mark the mushrooms, add a pinch of salt, turn the mushrooms over and brush the mushrooms with the oil, a pinch of.salt and continue cooking until they are practically done.
  • Step 5
  • Place the mushrooms in a dish that can go to the oven, fill some with the chopped ham and others with pieces of sobrasada, in the center we make room to add the quail eggs. A pinch of salt and pepper and a mix of four cheeses.
  • Step 6
  • We put them in the oven until the egg curds, we watch so that they do not overcook
  • Step 7
  • We could make them entirely in the oven but I like to do them this way since the mushroom releases a lot of water.

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