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Home > Sauces > Recipe of Scrambled mushroom and mushroom with coriander

Recipe of Scrambled mushroom and mushroom with coriander

Recipe of Scrambled mushroom and mushroom with coriander

Today I will teach you how to prepare Mushroom and Mushroom Scramble with Coriander (easy and juicy), it's a delicious combination that fascinates me

. I

can't stop doing it and I

invite you to prepare it.
4 Servings
15 min Cooking


  • 6 eggs
  • 2 trays mixed mushrooms and mushrooms
  • 1 handful of fresh cilantro or fresh parsley
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 dash extra virgin olive oil

Join me and let's see how to make Scrambled mushroom and mushroom with coriander


    Step 1
  • Fry the mushrooms and mushrooms, somewhat cut into pieces, in a drizzle of hot oil, in a drizzle of hot oil, or with a knife on a board
  • Step 2
  • When they are almost ready, add the handful of chopped cilantro or parsley and stir to mix everything
  • Step 3
  • Add the 6 unbeaten eggs one by one and add a pinch of salt. With a wooden spatula or spoon, break the eggs a little, shake the tool over the egg from one side to the other and make it mix with the mushrooms and mushrooms. To make it juicy, the trick is not to let the egg whisk everything, mix yolk and white completely, or to curdle completely.
  • Step 4
  • Serve it warm to eat next

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