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Home > Healthy > Recipe of Vegan onion and cheese sandwich

Recipe of Vegan onion and cheese sandwich

Recipe of Vegan onion and cheese sandwich

Now we want to show you a delicious natural and fun dish. We will teach you how to prepare a vegan onion and cheese sandwich, a delicious natural sandwich, ideal to start or end the day. This sandwich contains a good group of natural vegetables, which generate a rich supply of nutrients, natural energy and proteins. We recommend that you accompany this sandwich with a rich orange juice

2 Servings
40 min Preparation
30 min Cooking


  • A loaf of bread.
  • 2 potatoes.
  • 2 slices of vegan cheese.
  • 2 teaspoons of yeast.
  • ½ onion.
  • Basil.
  • Garlic powder.
  • Turmeric.

Join me and let's see how to make Vegan onion and cheese sandwich


    Step 1
  • We start by peeling and cutting the potatoes to cook them in plenty of water. While they are being cooked, peel the onion and chop it very finely.
  • Step 2
  • When the potato is soft enough to pierce it with a fork, take it out of the water and beat it with a little of the water until we get a creamy mass.
  • Step 3
  • Add some turmeric, garlic powder and baking powder to the blender. We beat again.
  • Step 4
  • We open the bread and toast it a little in a pan or in a toaster, right on top we place the vegan cheese, the potato dough, the chopped onion and a little basil.
  • Step 5
  • Close the two halves and let's eat.

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