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Recipe of Custard

Recipe of Custard

In Vida Receta today we will teach you how to make custard, the famous and versatile cream ideal for cakes, cakes and desserts. This recipe is very typical and is a very good resource to give softness and texture to any sweet piece you want to prepare. So we recommend this treat anyway, it's not to be missed to add it to your favorite sweet dish. When you fully recognize the tips for its preparation, you will end up being an expert with this exquisite cream so soft and

6 Servings
50 min Preparation
15 min Cooking
Jams and Sweets


  • 4 large eggs (we will only use the yolks)
  • 120 grams of sugar
  • 50 grams of cornstarch (corn starch)
  • 1 Lemon (to use your skin)
  • 1 Vanilla Bean
  • 500 ml of whole milk

Join me and let's see how to make Custard


    Step 1
  • Wash the lemon thoroughly and peel only the yellow part of the skin (without peeling the white part), the amount of skin to be used is to taste, if you like the taste of the lemon do not hesitate to add all the skin. It will help us to give the cream aroma and flavor.
  • Step 2
  • Cut the vanilla pod in half to remove the seeds, make sure there are none left.
  • Step 3
  • Prepare a bowl or a cup with a little milk, 150 ml will do (a little less than a glass). Dissolve the cornstarch in this bowl and stir well.
  • Step 4
  • In a saucepan over medium heat, add the remaining milk in it, heat the milk until it is about to boil, but do not let it boil, at that point turn off the heat, add the lemon peel and vanilla bean and leave it covered for at least half an hour, this will make the flavors stick with the milk.
  • Step 5
  • In parallel in another saucepan, add the egg yolks and the sugar you add little by little while you move with a whisk at the same time. When you have a concoction you can now pour in the milk that we mix with cornstarch to thicken, stir well with the help of a hand mixer until there are no lumps and the cream is firm and homogeneous.
  • Step 6
  • When you have left the milk with the vanilla and lemon resting for at least half an hour, you must remove the latter from the milk and mix the milk with the homogeneous cream that we did in the previous step, always remember that it is best to add little by little while you stir the mixture.
  • Step 7
  • Finally, we are going to finish the mixture, we put it on medium heat, stirring constantly, you will notice it thicken, it is important that it does not burn so be sure to control the fire and stir very well, do this until it gets a thick but soft texture, if you have tried creams before you will know what texture is ideal.
  • Step 8
  • Remove and store the cream preferably in glass that does not absorb flavors from other preparations... when it has cooled you can store it in the fridge tightly covered. As tips, put transparent paper on top of the cream to cover, this is so that it does not create a crust when it cools.

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