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Recipe of Homemade lemon jam

Recipe of Homemade lemon jam

Today we are going to show you a delicious sweet and at the same time citrus recipe. We will teach you how to prepare homemade lemon jam, a rich and sweet citrus jam. The base of this jam is lemon, which gives a citrus touch to the natural sweet. This recipe is not for immediate preparation, it takes a while to prepare, but the result is unique. If you like sweets, we invite you to prepare this delicious recipe for apple pudding with milk

1 Servings
60 min Preparation
90 min Cooking
Jams and Sweets


  • 1 kilogram of lemons.
  • 650 grams of sugar (3¼ cups).
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Join me and let's see how to make Homemade lemon jam


    Step 1
  • We are going to make our lemon jam three days early to try to remove some bitterness from the lemons. To do this, we are going to wash the lemons thoroughly, break them in half and remove the seeds that we will deposit in clean gauze.
  • Step 2
  • Tie the gauze tightly with the seeds and put it in a cup of water, cover it with plastic wrap and reserve these three days in the fridge so that the seeds release the pectin and act as a thickener for our homemade jam.
  • Step 3
  • In turn, we split the half lemons in half, put them in a pot covered with water and let them rest for three days. We change the water twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.
  • Step 4
  • After three days, remove the pulp of the lemon from the rind. As they will be very soft, it can be easily removed with your hands. We also collect the juice that they release when we peel the lemons.
  • Step 5
  • We take several lemon rinds and scrape them with a knife so that there are no white skins, which are the ones that are the most bitter. Cut the crust into thin strips to add them to the lemon jam.
  • Step 6
  • It is very important that we weigh all the pulp and the juice obtained, since that will be the amount of sugar we will need to make the lemon jam. Since my pulp weighed 650 g, that's the amount of sugar I put in. So we place the lemon pulp, the juice that has released, the sugar, the skins in strips and a pinch of salt in a pot in a pot. We also took out the cup of water where we had the seeds reserved and poured both the water and the seeds into the pot. Cook on low heat for an hour and a quarter, stirring from time to time. You will see that it is liquid, but don't worry, as it cools it will thicken.
  • Step 7
  • At the end, we remove the seeds and if we see any loose ones we take them out as well. You can grind the jam with the blender, I leave that to your choice, in case you like it more with stumbles or less. Fill the chosen jars with the jam and cover them tightly. Let it cool and store it in the fridge until consumption.

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