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Home > Pumpkin > Recipe of Italian pumpkin with leftover from the day before.

Recipe of Italian pumpkin with leftover from the day before.

Recipe of Italian pumpkin with leftover from the day before.

If you need magnesium in your organs for a family recipe or a delicious lunch, I'll show you how to prepare an exquisite Italian pumpkin with leftovers from the day before.

If you want, you can add grated cheese and don't miss a very cold lemonade.

4 Servings
15 min Cooking


  • 2 medium sized Italian pumpkins
  • 2 cheese sheets
  • Leftover rice from the day before
  • 2 tomatoes
  • Lettuce
  • 1 lemon.

Join me and let's see how to make Italian pumpkin with leftover from the day before.


    Step 1
  • The first thing we do is wash the Italian shoes well and we split them in half, and with the help of a big spoon we can hollow out all their food and reserve it.
  • Step 2
  • We blanch them, with boiled water. Add a little salt to the water, blanch them for 3 minutes and remove the water and leave it upside down so that it can dispose of the excess water.
  • Step 3
  • Chop the food that was left over from the Italian squash in small bronoise cuts, let it fry for about 4 minutes, seasoning it with a little salt and black pepper and add the leftover rice and add the leftover rice and it's fantastic and we leave it for 3 minutes stirring constantly.
  • Step 4
  • With great care we filled the Italian pumpkins and split the remaining one in half and placed on top of it, baked at 2p0 degrees for 5 minutes already melted and served accompanied by a variety of salads such as tomato or lettuce, delicious queds.

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