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Recipe of Spinach puree

Recipe of Spinach puree

Now we will show you a delicious natural puree. We will teach you how to prepare spinach puree, a tasty plant-based dish that everyone can share in your home. This puree is based on spinach, which is known for its high nutritional properties, natural fibers and rich flavor. We recommend that you accompany this dish with a delicious corn soup.

4 Servings
45 min Preparation
30 min Cooking


  • 2 medium sized potatoes.
  • 1kg of spinach.
  • 50g of butter.
  • 4 eggs.
  • 400ml of milk.
  • salt and pepper.

Join me and let's see how to make Spinach puree


    Step 1
  • Let's cook the potato. To do this, in a pot with plenty of water, we put a handful of salt. Add the potatoes and bring to the boil. Let it cook for about 25 or 30 minutes. Until they are cooked through.
  • Step 2
  • While the potato is cooking, we do the same with the spinach. To do this, we put plenty of water in a pot. Add a handful of salt and bring it to a boil. When it boils, add the spinach -better in batches- and let it cook here for about two minutes. After the time has passed, we remove them with a skimmer and place them in another pot with plenty of water, in this case COLD. This is how we cut the cooking and maintain the green color of the spinach
  • Step 3
  • Peel the potato and grind it a little with a fork, together with the butter. Now we put it in a mixer glass, together with the cooked spinach and add the milk. Better not all of it, for now. Whisk all the ingredients well. If you think it's too thick, rectify it by adding more milk
  • Step 4
  • When it has the desired thickness (it should be rather liquid but, with a certain body) we add salt and pepper. Then we put the spinach puree in individual bowls. Beat the eggs and add a little beaten egg to each bowl. Then we put it in the oven grill, at about 200ºC and leave it here until a crust forms on its surface.


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